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Shanekaya Village - Amazon Rainforest

  • 29 Participants
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


This experience takes you directly to an indigenous village of the Shanenawa people. Shanekaya village, located near Feijó, in the center of Acre and heart of the biggest forest on the planet. In this experience you will find: - RIDE freely through 140+ stops (Panoramas) - LEARN from over 40 NATIVE trees - FIND over 40 native animals - 1 TRAIL in the Forest in Virtual Reality (VR) - SEARCH for the 5 Secret Places and more.... - Experience at Terreiro Experience (Videos / Rain / Fire) - Native Agroforestry System - Places like Cantinho da Música/Samaúma Square/Bathroom - The sacred house of Feitio and the Hunãti Center for sacred medicines - Craft Market - Storytelling and traditions A good part of your income will be donated to this village through our social projects.


Single Payment
3 Plans Available
Prices vary

Group Discussion

This program is connected to a group. You’ll be added once you join the program.

Shanenawa - Shanekaya

Shanenawa - Shanekaya

Public 49 Members


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